Discover The Secrets of Great Firefighters
That Have Never Been Shared In A Book Before
The Ultimate Guidebook for Thriving as a Firefighter

What Chief's Are Saying:
From the rookie to the veteran, this essential guidebook will provide any firefighter the knowledge and guidance necessary to thrive in the fire service.
Josh Fannon, Battalion Chief
Baltimore City Fire Dept. (MD)
Firefighter Preplan is an inspirational, educational and instructional culmination of advice, ideas and practices that will help develop or enhance anyone’s career, especially a fire service career. David’s passion to help make better firefighters is clearly evident on these pages. Join him in being a part of the better fire service by reading this and soaking in decades-worth of information so easily.
Walter Lewis, District Chief
Orlando Fire Department (FL); FL Task Force-4 Search Manager
Firefighter Preplan is an inspirational, educational and instructional culmination of advice, ideas and practices that will help develop or enhance anyone’s career, especially a fire service career. David’s passion to help make better firefighters is clearly evident on these pages. Join him in being a part of the better fire service by reading this and soaking in decades-worth of information so easily.
Dennis L. Rubin, Chief
Author of Rube's Rules for Leadership (
Firefighter Preplan is a transparent, easy-to-read book that doesn’t beat around the bush. The book is all substance and no fluff, and it was written to help you become a better version of yourself. This book is a great starting point for anyone who is serious about becoming a respected firefighter. It is also a reminder of why we all do what we do: to serve others.
Frank Viscuso, Deputy Chief/Author
Author of Step Up and Lead, Step Up Your Teamwork
The road you’re on to becoming a great firefighter is for marathoners not sprinters! By reading or listening to Firefighter Preplan, you have just made the commitment necessary to move forward toward the goal of becoming the great firefighter you want to be. Kudos to the author, David J. Soler for providing you the road map to help guide you along the way.
Johnny Winston Jr, Division Chief
City of Madison Fire Department (WI)
Firefighter Preplan is a very valuable resource to those that are aspiring to be great firefighters and leaders in the fire service.
Dr. Richard B. Gasaway, Scientist & Fire Chief(ret.)
Situational Awareness Matters (
The Challenge We Face As Firefighters
Are You Facing Any of These Crippling Challenges |
1- Poor Leadership
2- Poor Guidance
3- Poor Attitudes
4- Poor Disciplines
5- Lack of Accountability
6- Lack of Experience
7- Living in Our Own Bubble
Don't End Up Miserable or Not Reaching Your Potential |
If you are like me then you want to reach your God-Given potential as a firefighter. The problem is as a firefighter we don’t always get to choose where we are firefighters or who our officers are and we are dealing with 1 or more of the 7 crippling challenges.
What is going to happen if we continue on this path?
What is your firefighter career and life going to look like?
Are you frustrated like I was?
Are you hurting like I was?
If it hasn’t happened already, you can end up in a miserable situation and hate going to the firehouse. You will get stressed out and burned-out. (Are you already there?)
Firefighter burn-out and suicides are at an all-time high. Why? What can we do for ourselves and others? (See Strategy #9)
THERE IS HOPE with Firefighter Preplan! |
Do you want to know how these other greats in our business do it?
Are you looking for the mental tools of great firefighters like I was?
I have been on a mission for 20+ years searching for what it takes to be a great and respected firefighter and leader. How to successfully respond to the calling of being a firefighter and how to weather the career storms that we must go through as firefighters both on the job and in life.
Now, 20+ years later including 100’s of interviews with great and respected firefighters, leaders and thought-leaders (Like those on Firefighter Toolbox Podcast), testing the findings both in the station, in life and on the fire ground, and finally, Firefighter Preplan has been born.
Firefighter Preplan is NOT: |
Firefighter Preplan is: |
Firefighter Preplan is “Tested & Approved" |
Now, like never before, you have the opportunity to learn what the best of the best in our business do no matter where you live, where you are stationed, what your gender is or nationality. No more limits. Learn the attitudes, mindsets, behaviors, strategies and tactics of great firefighters. Implement them. Make an impact on the fire service and the world!

What Others Are Saying:
I wish David had written this book 15 years ago! When I first hired on to a full time fire department, I had no fire or EMS experience, and a book like this would’ve made a fantastic map of good roads to travel on, pitfalls to avoid, and lessons to learn. Required reading for anyone, career or volunteer, who is serious about the fire service and making their way in it.
Sean Wilson Royal Oak Fire Dept. (MI)
Search & Destroy Training & Tools, LLC
Wow! Firefighter Preplan is the type of information that is invaluable to the fire service and those that have the desire to be a great firefighter.
I highly encourage those in the fire service to get this book/audio program.
Bryan T. Smith, Captain
Baltimore County Fire Dept (MD)
David Soler is committed to discovering-and-sharing what it means to become a great and respected firefighter. In Firefighter Preplan, he captures and conveys decades of experience about the actions that make great firefighters and crews.
Want to be a great firefighter? Want to earn respect in the fire service? Read this book, act on these principles, and finally pass this knowledge on to those who follow in your footsteps.
Rob Cannon, Captain
Charlotte Fire Dept. (NC)
In Firefighter Preplan, David J. Soler has highlighted all the necessary traits and characteristics of a top-shelf firefighter. I truly feel that this book will be a great tool in the development of our future fire service leaders.
Let this book/program jump start your fire service career and propel you into your future. It will fire you up and put you on the fast track for reaching your goals and becoming the respected firefighter you desire to be. Read it and re-read it. it will work!
Rob Ramirez, Lieutenant/Training Officer/ Rescue Squad Officer Margate Fire rescue (FL) / FLTF-2 FEMA USAR
Firefighter Preplan provides a great foundation to build upon throughout your career. I have gotten a lot from the book and I plan to give it to others I mentor.
Shauna Baccus, 15 year Firefigher
Saskatoon Fire Dept, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada
” If you are looking for a book that is honest, straight forward and has no fluff then this is a book for you. Whether you are the new rookie, seasoned firefighter, driver operator or company officer this book is something we all should have in our toolbox. David’s concept to leave this great profession called the Fire Service better than we found it is something we all should strive for. Firefighter Preplan will get us started or continue us in the right direction.”
Christian Adams, Engineer
18 Years in the Fire Service, City of Riverside Fire Dept. (CA) USAR CA-TF6
Firefighter Preplan is a must read for every firefighter who desires to take their career to the next level. David provides a simple, yet effective, roadmap to success in the fire service. As a chief officer, I provide a copy of this book to every firefighter that enters my department.
Robert C. Simmons, Assistant Chief
Fort Leavenworth Fire Dept
Firefighter Preplan needs to be read by every aspiring firefighter and rookie firefighter.
…It presents priceless information that every firefighter needs to know to help them achieve greatness. It is the embodiment of paying it forward.
…It contains critical information that everyone needs to pass on to the next generation to properly shape the future of the fire service.
Jim Moss, Lieutenant-Paramedic
Metro West Fire Protection District (MO)
Whether you are paid or volunteer, whether you’ve been in the fire service 5 years, 15 years, or just 5 minutes, you will get something out of Firefighter Preplan.
This book/program contains many years of experience and firefighting wisdom, relating to and affecting all aspects and ranks within a department. Required reading for anyone looking to have impact and influence throughout their fire service career.
Jonathan Lusk, Captain
Fresno Fire Dept. (CA) / Publisher - "Brotherhood of Fire"
Firefighter Preplan makes an aggressive interior attack on mediocrity in the fire service. There’s something in this book for every firefighter, from the rookie to the senior firefighter.
Scott Ebbert, Lieutenant - Truck 8
Baltimore County Fire Dept. (MD)

Great firefighters and leaders have invested in themselves and others.
Here is the opportunity for you to take the next step toward a more rewarding fire service career.
Now Is The Time. No More Excuses. Failure Is Not an Option.
Lives depend on us being ready when the moment comes and it's coming. So get ready now.
Be Safe. Be Ready!
David J Soler
Get Firefighter Preplan for your department or organization.
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